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Holiday at Home - Dementia Friendly Creativity

Enjoy a staycation with Jeanette and Amanda from Open Access Arts!

A welcoming and inspiring creative space where people living with dementia can meet and explore all the benefits and joy of engaging in creative adventures. ‘Holiday at Home’ is a dementia-friendly holiday drop-in activity; a holiday retreat where you can build a sandcastle, capture a moment, create a seaside picture, time-travel, decorate a shell, laugh, drink tea, chat and more! There will be lots of creative opportunities and, hopefully, lots of joy.

No previous experience is required. We focus on ‘in the moment’ adventures, because all of our lives are made up of moments. We aim to create a safe, non-judgemental environment, of mutual support and respect for all. We share the belief, that no one should be defined by their dementia. Please join us for a holiday adventure/drop-in: Thursday June 27and July 11 10am-1pm. Please not these are separate events.

While these are drop-in events, we are encouraging people to book a free place to help us anticipate numbers.

Please see our website events:

This opportunity is suitable for those in the early and middle stage of dementia and their supporter/loved ones. You are both most welcome to join us for a holiday at home! If you are attending with a supporter/carer/loved one please note that we are not able to provide ‘personal care’ and if not joining us for the activity session,  supporters/carers/loved ones may be asked to remain at the venue. More information about Open Access Arts can be found on their website.

If you have any questions regarding this activity, please contact the Institute at or on 01483 562142.

This project has been funded by The Shanly Foundation.


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