Who do we support?
Life can be challenging. Particularly when big changes or unexpected hurdles knock us off track. We can find ourselves isolated, overburdened, and struggling financially. Loneliness, debt, housing worries, caring for a loved one - these common issues can’t be solved with a medical prescription. But over time, they have a very real impact on mental and physical health. Social prescribing provides a wealth of non-medical activities and services. It can help us overcome problems that are too big to handle alone.
And it’s proven to improve health, wellbeing, and quality of life.
What matters to you?
Social Prescribing is a non-medical, non-emergency service designed to support anyone aged 18+ by looking at factors that are having an impact on people’s wellbeing. We take the time to listen to ‘what matters to you’ and link you to the appropriate services in the community to support you with a wide range of social, emotional and practical needs. For example, we could link you to an art class, walking group, dementia navigator, carers support group, support filling out benefits forms, or to learn how to use your smart phone or computer. It all depends on ‘what matters to you’.